What Love Is!

Love is the power of Pure Emotion!

Pure emotion has an infinite wavelength of omnipotent power.

An infinite wavelength of emotion has a boundless magnitude.

A boundless magnitude has unrestricted power.

In relative physical experience, my emotional power is restricted by the force of my mental authority to use it.

In absolute reality, love is the Soul’s creative power.

In the reality of the Soul, everything is created with love.

In relative dual reality, pure love is the feeling that the Soul has for its Self.

Conversely, it is the feeling that my Soul is present in my life.

Love is the emotional power that enables life.

In physical life, pure love is called Agape.

Agape is the love that the Soul has for its Self.

Impure love is a wavelength of emotion that is divided by gender.

It is the gender of energy that causes the experience of duality.

Opposing genders of male & female emotion allow a choice of physical experience.

Male energy is called a sin & female energy is seen as a virtue.

Sins & virtues allow a choice of positive or negative polarity or direction.

I can choose a sinful life or a virtuous life and judge them to be good or bad & right or wrong for my Self.

Eros is a wavelength of love that is divided by gender.

Sex is the act of two or more people reuniting their opposing genders of emotional energy in a physical relationship.

Philos is love that is united in polarity.

It is the platonic love of two people sharing the same chosen direction in life.

A choice of gender & a choice of polarity, of the wavelength & frequency of energy, allows the experience of a definite range of aspects of infinite Love.

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