What Light Is!

Light is the authority of pure Thought.

Pure Thought is the creative force of the Soul.

Physical life allows the experience of the creative force of the Soul.

My Self is a creation of that Creative Force of Light.

In physical reality, pure Light is divided by frequency.

Physical experience is primarily experienced through the sensing or seeing of visible light.

The visible spectrum of light comprises of the seven colour frequencies of a rainbow.

Two invisible frequencies of infra red & ultra violet determine the boundaries of our sense of physical light.

Science has measured the frequencies of Light energy as a vast electro-magnetic scale ranging from low frequency radio waves to very high frequency cosmic gamma rays.

Pure Light is the frequency of energy in its eternal state of vibration.

The frequency of energy determines its time or motion in space.

Light determines or defines physical experience in Time.

A conscious thought of the mind is frozen in time by the force of a frequency of Light.

A frequency of Light is a force of authority that the Mind freezes in Time as a Conscious Thought.

Light is the authority that allows the Soul to project thought as a manifestation of physical reality.

We are all Beings of Light experiencing being Heavy & Dark in our dual reality creation of Life.

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