What Kismet Is!

Kismet is what is meant to be!

What is meant to be has meaning.

Whatever has meaning is defined & balanced.

When I define the balance, I get what is meant to be.

I am meant to define my path and I am meant to define the inner balance that allows me to follow my path in harmony & equilibrium.

When I am out of balance, I am lost, off track, confused and frustrated by what is meant to be.

My destiny is in the balance between my fate & my doom.

Kismet can be experienced as a doomed act of survival, a fateful experience of comfort & insecurity or a divine opportunity to fulfil a personal destiny.

When I believe it is God’s Will, I am doomed to be god’s victim.

When I believe in the will power of my ego, I am fated to take my chances in a mortal existence.

When I know that I am experiencing the path of my chosen destiny, I am.

Kismet is a balanced choice of life between birth & death.

Once I understand the meaning of my ideal life, I find my inner balance that allows my Self to follow my own divine path.

Kismet is the Providence of my own individual, unique & exclusive reality.

What will be, will be whatever I perceive it to be based on my own personal perspective of my life.

Wharever I see kismet to be, I experience as my personal reality.

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