What Karma Is!

Karma is the Law of Attraction proceeding in alignment with the Golden Rule.

The Law of Attraction has no polarity, it has no defined direction, it just is like energy being drawn unto itself.

It is personal perspective that causes polarity & defines the direction and it is the polarity, or the choice of perspective, that allows karma to be seen as a good or bad & a positive or negative experience.

Whether the karma that I attract into my life is good or bad is just a matter of my own perspective.

Karma is what I am attracting into my life as a consequence of my thoughts, my words & my deeds.

As I am being unto others, others will be unto me and as I do unto others, it will be done unto me; this is the Golden Rule that governs how attraction is working in life and causing my karma.

In this way, I am the cause of my own karma.

Karma is the effect of my own personal state of being & my own personal actions in life.

I draw unto myself energetic experiences that are in direct accord with the energies that I am expressing.

Thinking negative thoughts attracts negative experiences, this is my karma.

Experiencing negative karma causes my continued negative thinking as bad karma is the direct result of thinking bad thoughts & doing bad deeds.

Conversely, experiencing positive karma requires me to feel good about who I am being and what I am doing.

Chaotic & disastrous problems are the evidence of bad karma and golden opportunities are the evidence of good karma in my life. 

When life happens by me, I attract both good and bad karma but when life happens through me only good karma is allowed to flow into my life.

Karma is the personal experience of my choice, whether I am consciously choosing it or not.

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