What Is A Coach?

A Coach is a person who guides and supports another on their path of personal or professional development.

A Personal Development Coach or Life Coach guides & supports someone on their path of development in life.

A Professional Development Coach, Corporate Coach or Business Coach guides & supports someone on their path to develop their business or their role in their business or chosen professional occupation.

What defines a Coach as distinct from a Teacher, Trainer, Consultant or Therapist is that the process is always client driven and not practitioner driven.

A Coach focuses on hearing and clarifying the development path of the client not the Coach.

The primary skills of a Coach are the ability to listen and to empower.

Listening facilitates the connection of the client to the direction of their development path.

Empowering supports the client to follow their direction with clarity.

A client’s potential is realised through the awareness of the authority that they hear and the magnitude of the emotional power that they feel.

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