What Imagination Is!

Imagination is a Conscious Thought projection of the Mind.

It is a matter of mental energy in motion.

Emoting energy into matter is called Creativity.

I create the matter of reality from the motion or vibration of my thought energy.

Imagination is a symphony of energy vibrations played on the instrument of an active Mind.

Imagination is the Source of Creativity.

Creativity is the energy of the imaginative thoughts of a conscious mind.

I can imagine whatever I presently realise in many different ways.

This is called re-creation.

Recreation is the ability to play with my imagination.

It requires the awareness of a conscious mind to project innovative thoughts.

Projecting an awareness of innovative thoughts is a project of my Soul.

My Soul projects innovative thoughts into the mind of my conscious Self.

This is the experience of self-realisation for the Self to realise & experience.

The belief that imagination is not real blocks the realisation of my creative ability.

All physical experience first emanates as a thought from the creative imagination of my Soul.

I’m a genie when I connect to the creativity of my Soul’s imagination.

Every image that is a super-conscious thought of my mind is created from my imagination.

The super-conscious mind of my Soul is the inspiration for my imagination.

Reality is either an experience as my Soul imagines it to be or an experience that my ego believes it to be.

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