What I Truly Value Is!

What I Truly Value Is what my Soul empowers my Self to do.

I am inspired & empowered to do what has true value in my life.

Because we are all empowered to follow different paths, we all have different experiences that we truly value.

Physical things do not have true value for my Soul.

It is a particular experience that physical life offers that has true value for the Soul.

My True Values are:

1. The Bonded Bliss of sharing a beautiful experience with another. When the beauty of an experience is shared, it becomes exponentially expansive for each individual experiencer. It is a feeling of being at one with my Self and at one with another person in holy communion with the Soul.

2. Creating Awareness of life beyond just physical experience. The emotional awareness of a conscious physical human being, allows a spiritual reality to exist. Developing an intuitive connection with my Soul is the gateway to creating an awareness of my Self.

3. Discovering the Unknown is my process of remembering who I am & why I am here. What is really unknown is the infinite & eternal extent of my own creative ability. 

What I truly value is what I enjoy doing when I have the emotional power to do so.

In my disempowered state of being, I am always too busy getting my needs met to do what I truly value to do.

Discovering my emotional power creates an awareness of my emotional power that allows my connection to my emotional power that allows me to blissfully bond in life with what I truly value to do.

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