What I Need To Do Is!

There is nothing that I need to do!

Doing anything out of need is a toleration, which is an energy drain & a problem.

Doing nothing causes a need to do something.

Needy people need to do something to get their needs met.

What I choose to do is whatever I am inspired to do because I am empowered to do whatever I am inspired to do.

Inspiration is my Soul telling my Self to move in this direction by doing this, this way.

I do not need to do this, I choose to do this because it is clearly an opportunity that has true value for me.

I am never inspired to do something of no value because it is not true to my path, it has no true value.

The true value to my Soul is following my chosen path in life.

Being lost, confused & frustrated by life disconnects my emotional power and creates a need for emotional energy.

What I need to do is learn how to quickly & effortlessly get my own emotional needs met, so that I have the emotional power to do what I truly value.

What I need to do is reconnect to the authority of my Soul’s choice, which connects me to the emotional power of my Soul’s inspired thoughts, which allows me to hear the direction of my path with clarity in each present moment of physical reality.

There is nothing that I need to do when I am flowing effortlessly along my path.

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