What Emotional Intelligence Is!

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to make choices based on an awareness of energy.

An awareness of personal energy in motion requires emotional intelligence.

Being emotional is having an awareness of my energetic state of being.

Being sensitive is having an awareness of other people’s emotional state of being.

Emotionally intelligent people are often called Sensitives, by other people.

Being insensitive or over-sensitive is not emotionally intelligent.

Being over-sensitive or too sensitive is being overwhelmed by the state of one’s own energy or by other people’s emotional state of being.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to rate the emotional state of being that I am expressing & experiencing.

This allows me to evaluate how beneficial it is and it allows me to choose a better state of being from choice.

Emotional intelligence is the ability to attribute to my Self the most beneficial state of being that is attainable.

An emotionally intelligent Being always expresses the pure essence of their prime, natural & divine attributes.

Emotional intelligence allows the attainment of quality attributes that attribute to the quality of life being experienced.

It allows the qualification of emotional states of being that are personally beneficial to an Individual’s spiritual growth.

Emotional intelligence allows the quality of life to be a personal choice of emotional experience.

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