What Duality Is!

Duality is the effect of the dual reality of energy & matter.

The duality of energy & matter allows reality to be both physical & spiritual.

Reality is a personal experience that is both physical & spiritual, when perspective is a duality.

Duality allows paradox.

The paradox of physicality & spirituality occurring simultaneously is because of duality.

Duality occurs because physical & spiritual reality are being created simultaneously.

Physicality is the perspective of a human being experiencing a material existence.

Spirituality is the perception of a spiritual entity experiencing being a physical human being.

I can see the world through the eyes of my physical sense of ego Self or I can see the world as a creation of the spiritual entity of my Soul.

Duality is the effect of the experience of choice.

Duality allows choice and duality is relative to choice.

I choose a world of duality because it allows choice.

Once I experience the duality of choice, I can see the singularity of no choice and I can overcome duality with a third way.

Duality is the gateway to the triality of Divine Choice.

The choice of a third way that overcomes duality is always Divine.

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