What Dominion Is!

Dominion is Sovereignty.

A Sovereign Entity is self governing.

A self governing entity does so through choice.

Choice allows an entity the authority of self control.

Dominion is the sphere of influence over which choice has control.

Human Beings are a self governing sovereign entity authorised by choice.

All human Beings have chosen to be human through choice.

It is through the experience of beng human that I exercise my choice of being in control of myself or being under the dominion of my Soul.

My Soul is a sovereign entity with individual creative choice.

Individual creative choice allows the creation of an Individual Being with choice, called the Self.

The Soul has sovereignty over its Self, yet allows its Self the dominion of choice.

The ego Self, in its disconnection from Source, may choose to serve the sovereignty of another or choose to reign sovereign over all others.

Dominion is the choice of sovereignty or allegiance that only Human Beings have.

The fish of the sea, the fowl of the air and every other living thing that moveth on the Earth are governed & controlled by their instinct.

Only human Beings have intuitive choice through an awareness of their conscious mind of unique & individual thoughts.

Dominion is, according to the Bible, the ability of unconditional choice that is not ‘God Given’ to any other creature on Earth.

Dominion is the sovereign choice that all humans have that all other animals on Earth do not.

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