What Does A Coach Do?

The purpose of a Coach is to clarify the direction of a client’s personal development path to facilitate their growth as a person.

A path of development is evident by any evidence of their resistance to their development.

Life ideally is designed to flow effortlessly and with harmony & balance.

Wherever life experiences resistance to this natural flow there is an opportunity for personal development and growth.

Whilst Managers find solutions to problems, Coaches clarify opportunities for development.

An opportunity for development is called a ‘shift’, which is always a change in personal perspective.

A negative perspective is always confusing, frustrating or disempowering and will hinder personal ability & potential.

A Coach supports the client to alter their perspective to a more empowering outlook.

The better the outlook, the better the outcome because a more empowered perspective is always an opportunity to realise personal potential.

Only the client really knows which perspectives are more empowering for them, so only the client really knows the best direction to take.

A more empowered direction always feels better, best or good.


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