What Deja Vu Is!

Deja Vu literally translated means already seen.

It is the experience that what is being experienced has already been experienced before.

That is how it appears because that is how it is seen to be.

As I see reality, so it appears.

It appears that I have experienced something in the past, when in reality I am experiencing it for the first time.

The question is: Have I experienced it before or is this a new experience?

Paradoxically, the answer to both questions is yes.

I have experienced it before in my spiritual reality and I am experiencing it for the first time in my physical reality.

My Soul chooses my path as my Soul imagines my path to unfold.

As the Author of my Book of Life, my Soul knows how my story unfolds and the eventual destiny of my life journey.

Deja Vu is a situation when my Self & my Soul are in alignment with my life vision.

I am at a pre-destined time & space in physical reality.

My physical Self is experiencing seeing a moment of time through the all seeing eyes of my Soul.

This is the synchronicity of my Self & my Soul being in perfect divine alignment in a particular time & space in my reality.

The destiny of my Soul is expansive spiritual growth.

My Soul grows through the physical experience of my spiritual imagination.

When I imagine that I have been here before, I am realising my spiritual journey as my physical reality.

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