What Decluttering Is!

Decluttering is mobilising stuck energy.

On a spiritual level, stuck energy is energy that is not flowing freely.

Energy is healthy when flowing freely & unhealthy when stagnant or stuck.

Stuck mental energy is the result of limited thinking.

True thoughts are Soul inspired & empowered with emotional energy.

Limited thinking causes entropy & resistance in one’s personal energy system.

Thought is an energy and limited thinking is a negative energy.

Limiting beliefs are stuck negative energy that I am stuck with when they are resistant convictions.

I am convicted by my limited flow of inspiring & empowering thoughts.

The limiting beliefs of my ego Self resist the flow of the Soul’s inspired messages so that they cannot be received & actioned effortlessly.

On a physical level, whatever I am attached to, I block its energetic flow.

Physical matter is actually spiritual energy with a captive vibration.

Thoughts capture the vibration of energy and manifest it as matter in the reality of space & time.

Decluttering is becoming detached from my physical, mental & emotional attachments.

My attachment to physical things is the effect of my emotional needs that are caused by my mental beliefs.

Decluttering the mind challenges and changes all beliefs that do not presently serve my spiritual purpose.

Decluttering the emotions automatically occurs when I declutter my mind and as a consequence, has the effect of wanting to delutter my physical space as well.

My reality is a physical manifestation of my spiritual perspective, which can be cluttered or uncluttered as I so choose.

Whatever I create on a spiritual level, I experience on the physical level as my reality.

To declutter my spiritual energy and allow it to flow, I am required to declutter my physical life.

When my energy is allowed to flow, my life is allowed to flow, effortlessly.

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