What Control Dramas Are!

Control Dramas are how people sub-consciously compete for emotional energy.

We compete for emotional energy when it is limited.

My emotional energy is limited when I am disconnected from my Source.

The Source of emotional energy is the Soul.

In my disconnection from my Soul, I am disempowered and I need to compete with other people to gain the energy that I believe that they have & I need.

The need for control is a drama caused by a belief that we need to compete with other people for our emotional energy because it is limited & scarce.

Control dramas are learned at an early age from our parents and can be intensely active or intensely passive depending on the family environment.

The lower the emotional energy levels in a family, the more dysfunctional it becomes.

A drama is caused by energy being divided in a dual reality scenario due to fears & limiting beliefs.

The belief that emotional energy is scarce causes the fear that I will not have enough and the need to compete with others for the limited amount of emotional energy that is available.

The duality of a control drama causes either an actively extrovert conflict between an Intimidator & a Poor Me or a passively introvert competition between an Interogator & an Aloof.

The Intimidator & the Poor Me fight to see who is the victim & who is the villain of the piece.

The Interrogator & the Aloof compete to become the winner or the loser of the peace.

Peace of mind avoids a piece of conflict to see who is the winner or who is the victim in the manipulation of emotional energy that sub-consciously plays out between people.

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