What Co-Incidence Is!

Co-Incidence is a paradox!

I can see co-incidence as an accident or I can see that co-incidence happens on purpose.

When I am a victim of life, co-incidence happens accidentally because my life has no clear purpose.

When I am a disciple of my life path, co-incidences are the sign-posts on my journey.

A co-incidence is a message of direction on my Soul’s path.

It is my Soul showing my Self the way of my destiny.

Co-incidence is my Soul reminding my Self that life is not always rationally physically logical.

Co-incidence is the emotional awareness that, left to its own devices, life can flow effortlessly well.

Co-incidence is an incident in life that is Soul given and acceptable to my Self.

It is my Self & my Soul co-operating in life as a co-incident.

Co-incidents happen through me in life, not by me.

I cannot make co-incidence happen by my Self.

When I disallow co-incidence happening through me, it will happen to me accidentally.

When I see life as happening to me, it happens accidentally as a co-incidence.

When I see life as happening through me, co-incidences occur as I allow my Soul to deliver my allowance in divine time.

From my Soul’s perspective, living my ideal life is no co-incidence; it is a gift from my Soul to my Self.

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