What Character Is!

Character is the role that I play in life.

Who I believe I am, portrays my character.

In my emotional disconnection from my spiritual source, who I am is the character role that I am playing.

I reply to the question: “Who are you” with my name, my job title, my sex, my relationship, my nationality, my religion or my age.

These all describe or define the character that I am playing in the drama called life.

The more dramatic my life, the more dramatic the character that I play in life.

The greater my belief in my character, the more intensely I play my role.

The more intense my conviction in my character, the more difficult it is to change who I am.

When I change my beliefs about who I am, I alter my character.

It is possible to play many different characters at the same time in my role as a Human Being in the Play of Life.

My character at home may differ from my character at work and I may adopt a totally different persona when socialising with friends or aquaintances.

I may believe that I am a retired, divorced, white, british, christian male but this would just be the character that I have adopted at this time in my life.

I can easily adopt the character of a single, middle aged, cosmopolitan, spiritual life coach & writer or for that matter any other description of who I believe that I choose to be.

Character is my presentation of my expression of who I believe myself to be in any given situation in life.

Whereas personality is determined by emotional needs, character is relative to mental beliefs, opinions & convictions.

Character is also relative to the standard of my principles, my ethics, my morals and the boundaries that I enforce with other people.

The best characters that I meet in life are actually the best character actors.

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