What Being Omnipotent Means!

Omnipotent means All Powerful!

All powerful means that I am full of all the power that I will ever need in my life.

It is the feeling of being unlimited & boundless in the enjoyment of my potential.

Being omnipotent is a state of being because my power is always relative to my emotional state of being.

Love is the purest state of being as it is the essence of who I really am.

Being omnipotent is the feeling of pure love, expressed.

It is an expression of my pure power experienced.

Expressing the potential of my emotional power as an experience of pure feeling is omnipotence.

The pure feeling of omnipotence is an expression of love.

The power of my Soul is omnipotent.

It has the power to experience the purest feelings.

The power of the Self is just a potential until its potency is realised.

I realise the extent of my potential through the impotence of physical life.

It is through the experience of being powerless that I realise the extent of my full potential.

My full potential is omnipotence.

Omnipotence is the potential of my emotional power.

I am here to realise my potential through the application of my potency.

Physical reality is the ideal medium to experience my relative impotence.

My impotence is relative to my lack of emotional awareness.

It is my emotional awareness that allows my potential to be realised, not my belief that I am powerful.

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