What Ascension Is!

Ascension is the process of raising one’s perspective.

Raising one’s perspective allows reality to be seen from a higher perspective.

Personal reality is a creation of personal perspective.

Raising my perspective allows my Self to ascend into a higher perspective of reality.

We are all born into a physical world that is the creation of other people’s perspective.

With the perspective of other people, I believe that life happens to me.

I adopt the perspective of my lower sub-conscious id-entity.

To ascend out of the experience of victimhood, where I am daily crucified in a hell on earth, I am required to raise my perspective.

With my own egotistical perspective, I make life happen by me.

When I take control & responsibility for my life myself, I resurrect my reality to a higher perspective.

From a victim of life, I resurrect the role of the villain that is guilty of causing my own misfortune, whilst seeking a  material fortune by the endeavours of my own ego Self.

When I eventually realise that the ego is not empowered to create its own version of an ideal world, I learn to allow life to happen through me.

I choose to allow my Soul to be in control.

Ascension is raising my perspective to be in alignment with my Soul’s Vision for my life.

Ascension is raising my experience to that of an Ascended Master.

When I master my perspective of life, I master my experience of life.

An Ascended Master has mastered living life on Earth from the perspective of their Soul.

Ascension is living my Ideal Life in Heaven on Earth, which is every Soul’s ultimate ambition & dream for its Self.

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