What Arrogance Is!

Arrogance is a negative expression of pride, greed & gluttony.

It is the need to stand out, be better than others & have more than I need that drives my arrogance.

I never see myself as arrogant, I only ever see my arrogance as confidence.

When I am confident that my pride, my greed & my gluttony serve me well, I am being arrogant.

My arrogance reaches its extreme when my pride becomes hubris, my greed becomes bigotry & my gluttony becomes avarice.

Arrogance is caused by a false sense of self importance because it is the effect of my belief that I am more important than other people.

Arrogance is driven by the belief that knowledge, money & status define my ability, my power & my authority.

The belief that knowledge begets ability, money approves power & status allows authority causes arrogance.

Arrogance is the belief that the choices of my ego Self can override the Path of my Soul.

Arrogance is a lack of confidence caused by my disconnection from knowing the true values of my personal vision for my life.

Arrogance is caused by the ego’s belief that it is sovereign when in reality it is lost, confused & gets very frustrated.

The polar opposite of arrogance is humbleness, which is adopting a lower stance in life than other people.

Both arrogance & humbleness are driven by the apparent experience of inequality in life.

Confidence is attained with the knowing that the Soul sees all Individual Selfs as equals.

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