What Armageddon Is!

Armageddon is the final battle between good & evil!

The final battle between good & evil occurs when all inner conflict is overcome.

When all inner conflict has been overcome, there is no battle to fight & inner peace is attained.

Inner peace is a divine attainment for my Self and a natural attribute of my Soul.

My Soul is never in conflict as it sees only the Divine Goodness or Godness in its Self.

It is not my Soul that is at war with its Self but my conscious ego that is in conflict with my sub-conscious id.

My id is my sub-conscious mind that passionately needs female emotional power to be in control.

My ego is my conscious mind that needs male mental authority to get whatever it wants or desires.

When my id & my ego are out of alignment, I experience disagreement & conflict with my Self.

When I am in two minds, I am at war with my Self.

The male will of my ego’s authority is impotent without the female emotional power of my true id-entity.

Armageddon is the final battle between the emotional needs of my id & the mental desires of my ego.

It occurs when my beliefs are in alignment with my core values.

When my core beliefs allow the true value of my vision & purpose for my life to be fulfilled, there is no actual conflict.

I no longer live in fear of the evil that my beliefs are causing and the emotional power of my Soul shines brightly through my inner peace.

As the Sun rises and the Son ascends over the battlefield of Earth’s duality, the final inner conflict is over and Armageddon is attained.

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