What An Apocalypse Is!

An Apocalypse is a sign of the end times.

The end times are always a sign of a new beginning.

An Apocalypse is the darkness before the dawn.

An apocalypse doesn’t have to be a disaster.

A disaster is caused by the chaos of having too many problems in my life.

People with too many problems in their life see the apocalypse as a disaster.

People who see life as a challenge try to solve all their problems so as to avert or avoid a disasterous apocalypse.

They are working very hard to find solutions to the problems in their chaotic lives.

A chaotic life does not flow freely & effortlessly.

Trying to avoid the chaos allows the problems to persist.

When I continue to look for solutions, the problems will continue to appear.

The problem is that people with problems see the end times as a problem and spend their lives trying to avoid a disastrous end to their life time.

People who see life as an opportunity, see the opportunity of an apocalypse.

These are apocalyptic times with great opportunities for personal development and spiritual growth.

An apocalypse is an opportunity to end the times of striving to avoid a challenging chaotically problematic life.

It is an opportunity to start a new begining of living a fear free, effortless & problem free life.

I do not need to destroy my old life to begin a new life, that would be a disaster.

I start living my new life of opportunity by becoming problem free.

When I am truly problem free, there is no pain, there is no fear, there is no chaos, just the signs of a clear direction with new opportunities starting to appear.

An apocalypse is a sign that my new age is now dawning.

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