What An Age Is!

An Age is a period in time.

A period in time can be a moment or consist of a finite number of moments.

Every moment, I get older in age.

Age is a measure of the length of a time-line.

A time-line is a linear measurement of a journey in space-time-reality.

A journey in space-time-reality is a called a life.

The reality of continuous life-times is called an Age.

An Age is a period in history.

History is the record of past lives or time-lines from the perspective of a Historian.

An Age is a period of approximately 2000 years.

Our reality is currently moving from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius.

The apparent movement of the solar system through the twelve signs of the zodiac takes approximately 26,000 years.

As our solar system rotates on the Sun’s axis, on its orbit of the galaxy, it is like the big hand of a clock displaying the minutes of an hour.

Every five minutes of Earth Time is a new Age on the Cosmic Zodiacal Clock.

The passage of the solar system through space allows time to age.

An Age is the measurement of travel in space over time.

Travelling in space takes an age.

Travelling in time is ageless.

The reality of every Age is continuous change.

Continuous change is how reality ages.

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