What A Paradigm Shift Is!

A Paradigm is a world view of reality.

Whatever the world generally views as reality is experienced as being real.

What is experienced by the concensus of people as true is the current paradigm of reality.

Reality is a construct of personal beliefs.

As personal beliefs come into general agreement they co-allesce as the accepted truths that form a paradigm of present reality.

As personal experience changes, personal beliefs change and paradigms shift in alignment with the current perspective of reality.

A real paradigm shift occurs when a world view changes.

An example of a change in world view is the belief that the Earth orbits the Sun instead of the old belief that the sun orbited the earth.

Another paradigm shift occurred when the Earth was circumnavigated by explorers who discovered our globe was not a flat earth.

The History of Mankind has experienced many paradigm shifts and will continue to do so as it passes through time.

The change in perspective from evolution is a happy accident to evolution is the process of spiritual growth, is a paradigm shift that is potentially emerging.

The reason for the existence of the Earth, as a means of exploring, discovering & experiencing new realities for the purpose of attaining spiritual growth, only becomes a new paradigm when this is accepted as a personal world view.

Spiritual growth requires a changing reality and for reality to change, paradigms are required to shift.

A paradigm shift is the effect of making a different conscious choice about what is the idea or the ideal of life.

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