What A Miracle Is!

A Miracle is a physical experience that defies mental belief.

Mental beliefs are the effect of learned knowledge & experience.

I learn knowledge from the experience of life in a physical rational world where reality is scientifically acceptable.

I learn to believe in a reality that scienctists have proved to be physically natural & normal.

I live a normal life in a natural world where miracles are seen as supernatural events.

When miracles are seen as supernatural, they are not normal events.

A miracle is a super-natural event when seen from a super-conscious perspective.

My super-conscious perspective sees miracles as an everyday event.

Life is a miracle of super-conscious creative potential.

The potential of my super-conscious Soul is to create the miracle that is my life.

When I see my life as a miraculous creation of my Soul, I fulfil my potention.

A miracle is an everyday event in the life of my Soul, from my higher perspective.

Creating my physical reality as a projection of my mindful, conscious thought is a super-natural ability.

It is the super nature of my Soul to be creative.

It is the nature of my Soul to perform miracles.

Life becomes one miraculous event after another when I allow the reality of my Soul’s creative ability to manifest effortlessly into my experience.

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