What A Life Time Is!

A Life Time is a journey into physical reality that the Soul imagines for its Self.

The Soul imagines many life times for its Self, both simultaneously & consecutively.

From the absolute perspective of the Soul, everything is occurring simultaneously in the absolute realm that is beyond time & space.

From the relative perspective of its Self, life times are occuring consecutively for its Self and simultaneously with other individual Selves.

I share this life time with the Soul’s many other incarnations of its Self.

I also experience many life times through the incarnations of my many Selves.

My apparent separation from my Soul and from other Individuals, or other individual incarnations of the Soul, allows me to experience an exclusively unique life-time.

In the relative dual reality world of my Self, there is my Soul & my Self sharing different versions of the same reality with the Soul’s many other Selves.

A life time in physical reality is an opportunity for the Soul to expand & grow through the experience of its Self.

It is called a life time because the Self comes to life for a specific period of time in a space of physical reality.

Each Self creates its own space in time as its own individual reality and experiential growth opportunity.

A life time is a period of time in space that the Soul allocates to its Self for the purpose of fulfilling a particular Vision.

An imaginary vision of the Soul is made manifest in a life time by its Self as a physical reality.

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