
Wavelength is the distance or expansiveness of an energy vibration.

The most expansive wavelength of energy is emotion.

Emotion is energy in expansive motion.

Thought & Emotion is Consciousness is action.

Every vibration of consciousness is a distinct thought form transmitted on a distinct wavelength of emotion.

It is not that vibrational energy has consciousness but that Consciousness is a vibrational energy.

Energy that has no vibration has no consciousness and therefore cannot & does not exist as a reality.

A Wavelength of conscious energy may be divided by male or female gender.

Gender allows choice & intensity but disallows a magnitude of clarity.

A choice of gender allows a duality of clarity or confusion, order or chaos, calm or intensity and a whole host of emotional states of being.

The polarity of a frequency of thought is a matter of personal perspective.

The gender of a wavelength of emotion is a matter of personal perception.

The intensity of a personal experience is a matter of choice.

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