War & Conflict

War is the affect of mutual hatred, enmity or antagonism between two people, races, religions or nations. I am at war with an entity whose negative mental polarity impedes my chosen path. As two warring entities are both on a negative path, which they both believe is their only positive choice, nobody ever wins a war. Battles may have a perceived winner & loser but wars only produce losers. Everybody loses when experiencing & expressing the hate, antagonism & enmity of their negatively polarised perspective.

Conflict is caused by either a personal or a mutual animosity or antipathy with either oneself or another. I am in conflict when the animus of my male energy is not complimentary with the anima of my female energy. When the male & female gender of my emotional energy is out of balance, inner conflict is the affect. I am in conflict when my chosen path is antipathetic to my truth or conflicts with another’s truth.

My Soul is never at war with its Self. It is my ego that is in conflict with itself or at war with other people. When my ego sense of Self is out of alignment with my Truth, I am in conflict with my Self and I project that conflict onto others; who in turn reflect that conflict back to me. In truth I am really only ever in conflict with an untrue version of my Self.

My mental beliefs, when in conflict with my truth, cause my negative emotions to be in conflict with my positively empowered feelings. When my mental characteristic beliefs are in conflict with the personality of my emotional feelings, my inner peace is absent.

In the absence of Inner Peace, inner conflict is present because I am at war with myself. In the presence of inner conflict, I am at war with my external beliefs about reality. With inner peace, I have no reason to wage war on anybody.

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