Wants & Needs

My ego wants what it believes will make me more safe, secure and comfortable.

My ego needs what it believes is necessary for its survival.

My conscious ego wants what it believes it does not have.

My sub-conscious ego needs what it believes is necessary to keep me alive.

My wanting is created by my belief in scarcity. Scarcity is the experience of  things being scarce and limited.

My needing is created by my belief in poverty. Poverty is the experience of being powerless. (The belief that poverty is not having money comes from the belief that money is power).

Poverty is my lack of emotional power that makes me a victim of life. It is being without my True Wealth.

Scarcity is my lack of provision that accompanies my authority to make wise choices.

My experience of scarcity is created by my wanting what I don’t need, and making unauthorised choices that do not manifest into my reality.

My belief in poverty is created by my experience of being disconnected from my True Source of emotional power.

There is still an abundance of scarcity (and extravagance/gluttony) in the Western World, even though poverty has been eradicated.

There is a wealth of poverty (and racism/greed) still in the 3rd World, where scarcity and gluttony have never really been a problem.

The needs and passions of the 3rd World are often confused with the wants and desires of the Western World.

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