Wanting What We Have

Our Soul resides in the Absolute Realm of Divinity, where nothing is either good or bad and everything is neither good nor bad.

Everything ‘Just Is’, from whatever perspective that we perceive it.

The experiences that our Soul sends to us in life are neither good nor bad, they just are, experiences that are exactly right for our chosen path of growth and expansion.

Our ego Self decides whether we want what we have or not.

Our Soul sends to its Self, unconditionally and without judgment or expectation of the outcome, that which our Soul wishes its Self to experience.

Our ego Self then discerns who it chooses to be in relationship to what it receives in life from its Soul.

Our Soul has chosen for its Self: Our parents, our nationality, our religion, our race, our creed, our culture, our class, our personality and our character. This becomes our fate without our ego having to make any choices.

Our Soul has also chosen for its Self: A Vision, Mission & Purpose for this life-time.

Our journey through life is to decide whether we actually want what we already have or whether we choose to change it.

Our Soul has chosen for its Self to have unconditional choice.

When we change our perspective of who we are and what we really want to have in our life, we stop following our fate and awaken to the Journey that is our Destiny.

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