Vital & Critical

Vital means necessary and important to life.

Critical means my life is being threatened.

What is vital is my Life-force Energy.

Disconnected from my life-force energy, my life is threatened and survival is critical.

When my life-force energy is depleted, my polarity becomes negative, I lose my direction and I become very critical of my chaotic life.

Life-force energy is vital because it is my power. It is the power of Love that is vital for Life.

When my authority is aligned with my Soul, I become vital and alive. My Soul’s authority is vital to my path. It is my Light and my Inner Guidance.

When my authority is aligned with the choices of my ego Self, I become critical and my effortless life is threatened. I become critical because I am not fulfilling my potential and I am experiencing entropy, resistance and problems.

I always have a choice to connect to my vitality, my true power and authority, or to connect to my false power, my fears and limiting beliefs that make me negative and critical.

2 Replies to “Vital & Critical”

  1. timely post – thanks as ever!

    Perhaps it would help if you told us HOW we connect to our vitality, rather than to our false power. I guess it is in examining our every thought for its perspective, rather than in some outwardly spiritual practice?

  2. Exactly that Annie. The perspective of our thought (our attitude) is its polarity, which determines whether it is positive or negative. The polarity of our thought determines the polarity of our emotional energy, which is our true power and our vitality.

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