Virtual & Actual

The Soul is Virtual.

The Self is Actual.

I do not actually have a Soul and I do not virtually have a Self.

My actual Self has a virtual Soul.

My Soul is virtually a creation of my own imagination, whereas the Self is actually a creation of the Soul’s imagination. The only way that the Soul can virtually know its Self is through imagination. Imagination is the creative ability of the Soul and the Soul is a creation of the imagination of my Self.

Through imagination, the Spiritual Soul creates an actual world for its physical Self to experience. The Soul is implicit in the creation of actual reality. The experiences of the Self are explicitly due to its physical reality.

My Self is active and my Soul is virtuous. Yet my actions are not always virtuous although my Soul’s virtues are implicit.

Physical reality is in actuality an actual reality, from a physical perspective but from a spiritual perspective, the perception of the Soul sees it in virtuality as a virtual reality. It is actually physically real yet really spiritually virtuous.

Spiritual virtue is the realm of the Soul.

Physical activity is the realm of the Self.

The Soul seeks to know its virtues through the actual experiences of its Self.

A virtual reality is real but not actually physical.

A physical reality is both actually real and physical.

In the same way that the Soul creates its virtual physical reality, the Self is able to create its own virtual reality with its own imagination.

There is virtually nothing that the Soul/Self cannot actually do with the creative ability of its imagination.

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