
Victimhood is a drama created by the belief that what is occurring is being created by something or someone other than one’s Self.

I become the victim of someone else’s actions when I believe that I am.

I am only ever the victim of my own thoughts.

I am only ever the victim of my own reality that I have created with my own thoughts.

Fear is a false belief that I am attracting into my reality because of my belief in its existence.

I will become a victim of whatever I fear simply because I am focusing my thought upon that fear.

I am only ever the victim of  a reality that I do not want.

I do not see myself as a victim of the reality that I consciously choose.

I am therefore only ever a victim of the reality that I sub-consciously choose.

When I do not want the reality that I have chosen, whether at a conscious or a sub-conscious level, I am free to make a new choice.

Victimhood ceases to be when I realise that I have always been the victim of my own choice, which is the focus of my own thoughts.

I overcome victimhood when I take responsibility for my thoughts and actions, and I no longer give my fears another thought.

I can only ever be a victim of my Self and the creator of my own victimhood.

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