Vibrational Balance

Every vibration of Conscious Energy is a mental frequency of thought conveyed on an emotional wavelength of feeling.

A pure vibration of consciousness is both mentally & emotionally in balance.

An impure vibration of consciousness is divided in perspective by polarity.

The polarity or choice of direction allowed by duality causes a positive or a negative perspective.

It also causes a male or a female perception.

Dual reality existence allows a choice of male perspective, which is rational or female perception, which is emotional.

It allows a choice of positive female sensitive connection or negative male disconnected insensitivity.

It also allows a choice of negative female irrational over-sensitivity or a positive male rational detachment.

There are endless possibilities in a dual reality world that is divided by polarity & gender for my vibrational energy to become mentally & emotionally out of balance.

By learning to balance my mental & emotional energy, I can explore, discover & experience in physical reality who I really am.

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