Velocity & Speed

Velocity is rapid motion or the rapidity of motion.

Speed is the rate of change for the better.

Change happens at the speed of light. The speed of light is the speed of thought. Thought is the creator of change.

The speed of light is Absolute. It is absolute motion.

Velocity is relative motion. All velocity is absolute motion at a reduced rapidity relative to the absolute speed of motion.

From my physical perspective (at rest), matter appears to increase in velocity up to its limit at the speed of light.

In Absolute Reality, absolute motion reduces in velocity until matter becomes static and motionless relative to other matter.

At the speed of light, mass becomes infinite.

Mass has an infinite magnitude of energy at the speed of light. Matter has a relative mass below the speed of light. It is relative to density and volume.

Matter with infinite mass ceases to exist as matter and changes form back to energy. [E=MC²].

Energy is Matter at the Speed of Light.

At the speed of light, infinite matter has infinite Space, eternal Time and a continuous potential to re-materialise and change its form instantly.

Below the speed of light, velocity is relative to time and distance.

The velocity of molecules undergoing a change in speed and appearance is called heat.

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