
I am being Unreasonable when I am unable to see the reason for something.

Life is unreasonable when I am unable to see its purpose.

People are unreasonable when I cannot see their motive.

Thoughts are unreasonable when I cannot see their meaning.

With motive, meaning, purpose & reason, everything is reasonable.

I am unreasonable when I cannot work out the reason that something is occurring.

When I am intuitively disconnected & I cannot see the reason, I am unreasonable.

The reason is not always rational, though it is always logical.

When I intuitively see reason, I understand the logic of life.

When I intuitively see life, I get the reason.

When I know my vision for my life, I see its purpose.

When I define life as it is meant to be, it has a definite meaning.

When I clearly see my destiny, I am never unreasonable.


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