Unpleasant & Nasty

An Unpleasant person is seen as not being pleasant.

A pleasant person pleases others.

People please me when they conform to my boundaries and they meet my needs.

It does not please me when others conflict with my boundaries.

When other people fail to meet my emotional needs, I am not pleased.

I never see myself as unpleasant as I always conform to my standards when I need to.

A Nasty person steals my emotional energy.

I drain my emotional energy to anyone who is nasty because I fear that they will do nasty things.

They may steal my energy through their directly nasty behaviour or indirectly through my perceived fears & beliefs.

Nasty people are not nice because they are desperate for emotional energy.

Nice people give their emotional energy away generously.

I can be nasty when confronted by people who I do not like because they are not like me.

Unpleasant people are greedy, whereas nasty people are arrogant.

Argumentative people are proud, whereas disagreeable people are wrathful.

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