Unhappiness Is A Fear & A Limiting Belief

When I believe that I am unhappy, I fear being unhappy and I am limited by my belief that I am unhappy.

A limiting belief is any belief that limits my natural flow of positive emotional happiness. It is simple to spot the presence of a limiting belief because it does not feel good. When it feels really bad, the limiting belief has become a fear.

Fear is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. The evidence of whatever is occurring in my life can appear to be good or bad relative to what I believe is happening to me. When what is happening appears to be bad, then my belief is false, because it is not true.

My definition of a true belief is one that allows a beneficial opportunity to occur. False beliefs cause problems to occur due to a negative perspective. A true perspective sees opportunities occurring due to my positive beliefs.

“Every negative problem in life is a beneficial opportunity in disguise”

Positive beliefs allow opportunities to occur and negative beliefs cause detrimental problems to occur.

When life happens to me or life happens by me, I have a choice of polarity to either think positively or to think negatively. I do this instinctively in alignment with my belief system. As my beliefs are stored in my sub-conscious memory, I instantly feel positive elation with an opportunity or negative worry, concern or fear with a problem. It is not what is happening that is a problem or an opportunity, but what my belief about what is happening perceives it to be.

“There is always an opportunity to turn every problem into a challenge”

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