Unattractive Attraction

Pure whole energy is Attractive to pure whole energy of the same vibration.

Energy of a like vibration is divided in dual reality by gender and polarity.

Gender and polarity gives energy its intensity and allows choice.

Opposing aspects of similar vibrations of energy are still attractive because like vibrations are drawn unto themself.

Although a thought or an emotion may be deemed as either attractive or unattractive, it is just appearing as either male or female and positive or negative.

For instance: A male negative energy called arrogance will be drawn to a female negative energy of humbleness, because they are the same vibration.

Confusion arises when there is no distinction between positive and attractive or negative and unattractive.

Confusion deepens when male aspects are seen as unattractive and female aspects as attractive or vice versa.

Gender and polarity are determined by the frequency and the wavelength of each vibration.

Whether an energy is attractive or unattractive is just personal perception and perspective.

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