Two Types of Space

There are Two Types of Space:

  • Physical Space
  • Energetic Space

Physical space is measured as distance.

The distance between two physical objects is seen as a physical space.

Physical space is empty of physical matter.

The macroverse between stars and the microverse within atoms are both full of empty space.

Energetic Space is the energy of the ether.

The energy of the ether is made up of what science currently refers to as ‘dark matter’ and ‘dark energy’.

All Space is full of Energy.

Energy does not travel in space, it is the fabric of space.

Matter is energy that is apparently manifest to my physical perception.

Energetic space is unapparent energy.

Awareness allows me to intuitively to see that Space is full of Energy.

When I connect energetically to that Space, I am full of emotional energy and intuitively aware.

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