Truths Of 5D Ascension

  1. We each individually have our own, personal & unique path of Ascension
  2. Ascension only happens as me, here, right now
  3. It is my ego sense of self that is ascending to a level of 4th density Consciousness
  4. I am here in service to my Soul as its Self
  5. Being Ascended is a spiritual attainment
  6. Spiritual Reality has multi-dimensional levels of Consciousness
  7. A rational intellect is essential to a mental understanding of Ascension
  8. Spiritual Reality, spirituality, is applied not practiced
  9. We each have our own answers to our own questions
  10. At Onement is having boundaries so extensive that other people cannot cross them
  11. I am redeeming my power to be pain free, with minimal suffering
  12. Every path of the Soul is safe, certain and free of risk
  13. Heaven & Hell are metaphors for the duality of a positive & negative polarity of a perceptive existential experience
  14. Providence provides abundantly for all whom allow it with approval & acceptance
  15. The Law of Attraction is magical but not mysterious. It is clear & direct, constant & continuous, certain & unambiguous
  16. I am only ever at risk of the negative perspective of my own malignant thoughts and feelings
  17. Only the Self can heal itself
  18. Physical Life essentially requires both Emotional Love & Mental Light
  19. There is a potential within me that has chosen my destiny
  20. Creativity is a scient art. It is the art of intuitively knowing how to be creative
  21. A three dimensional physical Earth will always be a perfect place to experience three dimensional relative duality

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