True Perfection

True Perfection is neither perfection nor excellence.

It is seeing the perfection of excellence and the excellence of imperfection.

In a dual reality world, perfection & imperfection are opposing perspectives of the same energy.

Perfection or imperfection are just a matter of perspective.

True Perfection is the balance between being imperfect and trying to be perfect.

It is accepting the perfection of whatever imperfection is being experienced.

It is seeing that I am being the best that I can be.

When I see the excellence of my imperfection, I am able to excel and get even better.

Excelling is being the best that I can be under the circumstances and knowing that I can change the circumstances and become better and more excellent.

Unless I know that I can be better, there is no growth or development and therefore excellence is not possible.

Excellence is my growth towards true perfection.

Attaining true Goodness is perfect for me.

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