Transition Coaching

Transition Coaching guides & supports a transition in personal development & growth.

A transition in personal development involves a shift from one state of being to a better state of being.

It is a transition to the better experience of a higher state of being.

A higher state of being expresses a purer emotion that is attributable to my Self.

To attribute a purer wavelength of emotion, I am required to attain a purer frequency of thought.

A pure frequency of thought has a pure vibration and is conveyed as a pure wavelength of emotion.

I develop & grow, as an individual person, as I shift my perspective of who I am and why I am here.

As I challenge my limiting beliefs with pure thoughtful truths, I shift my perspective and grow my vibrational authority.

As I consciously meet my emotional needs, I increase my perception and expand my vibrational power.

As my vibrational ability expands & grows, my emotional experiences appreciate and my quality of life improves.

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