Transcending & Transforming

Transcending the ego is attaining the perspective of the Soul.

Transforming the ego is attaining the attributes of the Soul.

When transcending and transforming are in opposition, I will get lost  and confused in the duality.

From the perspective of the Soul there is just the ego sense of Self.

The Soul never perceives its Self to be separate from its Soul.

From the perspective of the disconnected Self, there is just the ego Self.

From the perspective of an awakened Self, there is a super-ego that holds its vision, mission and purpose for this life-time.

The ego self has a choice to make:

  1. Transcend the ego and return to the Oneness of All that Is
  2. Transform the ego to re-connect with the Oneness of All that Is
  3. Transcendentally transform one’s Self to become at One with one’s Soul

The Third Way is to attain the attributes of the Soul and to bring ‘Heaven to Earth’ by living as a Divine being in this relative world of dual reality life.

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