
Toxicity is the absence of Light.

My disconnection from the Light of my Consciousness creates a toxic reality.

Fears and false beliefs make my world toxic.

The unhealthiness of my Life is relative to the toxicity that is created by my fears and my limiting beliefs.

Fears and false beliefs are without Light.

Any unhealthiness is the manifestation of the toxicity of my fears and my beliefs.

Toxic thinking comes with the absence of Light. It has no Presence.

My toxic thinking results from my programmed beliefs that hold my fears.

My toxic negative thinking creates toxic negative emotions that eventually materialise as toxins in my physical body.

Bacteria and Viruses are not inherently toxic.

It is my mental and emotional energy vibrations that are toxic.

The role of a virus is to cleanse my physical cells of toxicity.

The role of a bacterium is to cleanse my lymphatic system of toxins.

My lymphatic system is how my body cleanses cell toxicity to keep my body healthy.

Viruses clean the cells and bacteria clear away the cell waste.

Toxicity is a fact of life that the body is designed to accept and to deal with naturally.

My body cleanses, processes and eliminates toxic waste efficiently when I am healthy in order for me to remain healthy.

Toxicity is not a problem. Being unable to process toxicity and eliminate it effectively is the reason that illness exists.

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