Touch & Feeling

Touch & Feeling are different experiences from different senses. In our insensitive, unemotional, disconnected world, they appear to be the same thing.

When I believe that I am touched by emotion, I feel good but when I am touched mentally, I am seen as bad or irrational. A touchy feely person is seen as too emotional or over sensitive, as it is not seen as beneficial to wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve.

With no distinction between touch & feeling, we become irrationally insensitive to other people and disconnected from our own emotionally powerful, intuitive guidance system.

Touch is one of our five physical senses. It is a physical sensation, which I experience through contact between my body and other physical objects. It is an objective experience of the world; unlike emotional feelings, which are a subjective experience.

A deaf & blind person has a heightened sense of touch because that is primarily how they experience the world. Touch is how my conscious mind makes sense of the physical world; by discerning the mass and gravity of physical objects by way of their size, texture, weight & temperature.

Feeling is one of my three intuitive senses. I can only intuitively know this, as feelings are emotional, not physical. I am physically conscious of what I touch and what touches me. I am emotionally aware of my feelings, which I categorise as emotions. I cannot physically touch my emotions but I can intuitively feel them. Other people may touch what I touch but they cannot feel what I feel; so they cannot easily teach me to be emotionally aware of my intuitive feelings. In a rationally intellectual education system, emotional intelligence is not on the curriculum. Most children are taught to switch off their intuitive emotional intelligence at an early age.

In our unemotional disconnection from our intuitive feelings, we become insensitive to other people’s emotional state of being. We retain only a basic awareness of another’s mood or temper and the atmosphere of the environment that we are currently in.

Being emotionally sensitive and intuitively connected to our awareness of other people’s feelings, allows both empathy & compassion to flow in relationship to them. Sharing our passion on the same path as another is what everyone is seeking in their soul mate.

The true love of Agape, experienced as shared compassion & empathy bears no comparison to the physical sexual erotic touch of the perceived love of Eros. Whereas touch can be sensual as a physical pleasure, the intimacy of pure ecstatic bliss is the climax of shared emotional feelings.

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