
Tolerations are a problem that I endure.

I am tolerating a problem when I am draining emotional energy to a situation or an issue.

Something is a toleration when I believe that I should do it, I ought to do it, I have to do it, I must do it or I need to do it.

They are all a problem because they all drain my emotional energy reserve.

When my reserve of emotional power becomes critically depleted, I am frustrated, angry & intolerant.

Tolerance is the gap of space that holds my emotional energy.

It is a negative limiting belief or a fear that causes an emotional energy drain.

A fear is an intensely limiting belief, an intense energy drain, an intense problem & an intense toleration.

An intense fear is caused by the belief that a situation or an issue is intolerable & unbearable.

Acceptance is the gateway to overcoming fears and tolerations.

Becoming problem free allows my Self to be Accepting.

Self-acceptance overcomes all tolerations.

I only ever endure problems of my own making.

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