Tolerance & Intolerance

Tolerance is my ability to tolerate what is occurring in my life.

Tolerance is a problem that can be solved.

Intolerance is my inability to tolerate what is occurring in my life.

Intolerance is an unsolvable problem.

My power to tolerate is determined by my emotional state of being.

The happier I am the more tolerant I am.

My intolerance is determined by my emotional needs.

Life becomes intolerable when my emotional needs remain unmet.

I learn to tolerate life with patience.

With impatience, life quickly becomes intolerable.

Intolerance means that I am not receiving what I believe that I want and need.

Impatience means that what I want is not arriving quickly enough.

With patience and tolerance, I can endure what I am receiving.

When I am tolerating what is occurring, I am not receiving it with gratitude or appreciation.

Attaining a problem-free life requires the Acceptance of what turns up with Gratitude & Appreciation.

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