"To Be or Not To Be"?

“To Be or Not To Be”? That is the question.

We are Human Beings who have Choice.

We can ‘Be’ or we can ‘not be’.

We are not Being when we are just ‘doing’.

The ability to do allows us the ability to choose who we are Being in relationship to whatever we are doing.

The rational physical world of dual reality allows us individual choice of what we want to do.

The emotional spiritual world of duality allows us individual choice of who we choose to Be whilst we are busy doing it.

To be or to do becomes a duality and a choice in the relative world of rational or emotional reality.

The 3rd Way is to choose both.

Being and doing require consciousness and awareness.

We are conscious of our physical actions and we are aware of our emotional beingness, once we become consciously-aware.

We require Conscious-Awareness to discern who we are Being whilst we are doing whatever we are doing.

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