Three Types Of Thinking

  1. Linear Thinking projects my past into my future. I use the experience of my past, stored sub-consciously in my memory, to project my choice of future into the presence of my conscious mind.
  2. Lateral Thinking adds a dimension of ‘space’ to the ‘reality’ of my journey through ‘time’. The lateral space, either side of my linear path, offers a choice of duality of male perspective or female perception; polarised as either a positive or a negative choice.
  3. Expansive Thought is the visceral experience of an inspired super-conscious revelation; transmitted on a pure wavelength of empowered emotion.

Empowered with a unified gender and a neutral polarity, an expansive thought is effortlessly free of any dilemma, procrastination or prevarication.

Two dimensional linear thinking expands with three dimensional lateral thinking, which evolves with four dimensional expansive thought.

  • Linear thinking is often a sub-conscious, reactive, instinctive choice
  • Lateral thinking is mostly a conscious, pro-active, intellectual choice
  • Expansive Thought is always a super-conscious, responsive, intuitive choice

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